This post was a hard one for me to write.  Where do I start?  You see, today I have a bittersweet announcement to make.  Hello Miss Lovely’s Amy Smith has decided to take a step back from Hello Miss Lovely. Even though we are sad to see Amy leave we are so happy that she is happy.  Amy has had some clarity in all that matters to her.  One thing I have always admired about Amy has been how she loves with her whole being.  She would give her friends the stars and the moon if they asked for it.  With this decision, Amy will be able to concentrate on all that matters to her.


What does this step back mean for you? Hello Miss Lovely will still be going on strong and you will barely notice much has changed.  Amy and I will still work weddings together for the time being, but Amy would like to do so as a second shooter and not a business partner.  This will allow her the time to be with her family, to explore new relationships, and to explore her passion in photography without the stress of growing a business.  I fully support Amy in her decision and wish her the best on her new adventure.  She is my best friend and will always be.


A few words from Amy:


It’s terribly hard to leave something you love so dearly.  People always say, “You don’t find time, you have to make it.”  I understand that all too much.  Starting Hello Miss Lovely with Autumn was a beautiful turning point in my life.  I gained a new friend.  If you know me, you know that I value the relationships in my heart more than anything else.  It is this love for the people in my life that has brought me to the decision to take the time to nurture these relationships.  I will stop saying, “Tomorrow, in a minute, or later.”  I will take today for what it is–the present.  After all, that is the moment that matters the most to me.  I will finally slow down.  I will read.  I will grow flowers, and smell the roses. I will feel the music, and dance in the rain–all with the people I love the most. That is what it is all about.

Hello Miss Lovely Photography


Mamma Bear, I love you to the moon and back.


Love, Autumn


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